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artistic tree logoDigestive Issues

Digestive imbalances lead to a variety of conditions such as gastric reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn’s disease, constipation, bloating, diverticulitis, gallbladder disorders, liver issues, halitosis, hemorrhoids, malabsorption, and more. The challenge is to determine which areas within the digestive tract are in need of repair, nourishment, and identifying what can be effectively absorbed into a compromised digestive system. The digestive enzymes non-effectivity through bad lifestyle choices, smoking, stress and an overload of alcohol and coffee reduce the body’s ability to digest, process and absorb nutrition. Not having healthy flora in the entire digestive system can have a large impact on the body’s overall immune system by overloading the gut with toxic pathogens. A sluggish digestive tract effects other systems such as the liver, kidneys, and bones. The lack of nutrition inhibits the body from correctly producing hormones, enzymes, and white and red blood cells necessary in a healthy ecosystem. A compromised digestive system is probably the most important system that needs to be given attention as it can improve many conditions quickly. Using nutritional therapies, biofeedback, and other integrative techniques, you can address many conditions and learn how to take care of yourself physically for the rest of your life. The end results are amazing and leaves you with not only a physical state of wellbeing but a renewed passion in life as the gut is directly linked to the production of serotonin , the happiness hormone.

Conditions that Integrative Medicine Can Assist With.

Click to learn more about each condition and how Dr. Jamie can help you. 

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